Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Six Quirks Tag

Ok, I've never done one of these before. But since Brandi took the time to tag me, I'll acquiesce.

Brandi tagged to come up with six quirks about myself. Here are the rules:

* Link the person who tagged you
* List 6 of your quirks
* Tag 6 other bloggers by linking them
* List the rules on your blog


1. Punctuality. If you were to graph my irritation level related to minutes that I'm late for something, the curve would rise exponentially beginning minute one, with an average slope of at least 25. I don't like being late, especially when people are waiting on me.

2. Reading on the toilet. I've read entire novels on the toilet. I've always gotta have something to read in there. I really like to do business when I'm doing business. Too much info? Yes. But you wanted to know the quirks.

3. If you haven't gathered it already, I'm a nut for BYU football. I read every article written on them every day. I can't not watch the games. If it isn't available in my house, I'll most likely knock doors till I find someone who has it.

4. I don't know if these are quirks, or simply the results of being a member of the lesser sex: belching, gas (seems to be there whenever I need it, especially in the middle of the night), ear wax, & stinky feet.

5. I pick at my eyelashes. I posted about this once before. Go here to see that post. I've done this my whole life. I usually have big chunks of eyelashes missing. Right now the gap is on my left eye. See below:
6. I sleep face down with my pillow on my head.

Ok, so who to tag. It would be neat if I actually had a group of dedicated subscribers to choose from - but I think I only have one or two readers. Anyway, I'll tag Josh, Emily, and Mindy.


Brandi said...

I've never been tagged, or tagged someone either, so thanks for playing along Spencer! None of your quirks were as OCD as mine, but a few of them will for sure go in the TMI file! Oh, and doesn't it hurt when you pull those lashes out? YIKES!

Anonymous said...

I read your blog.