Monday, June 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Em!

It's my gal's birthday today. She's the best ever and I'm crazy about her. So if you happen to read this, give here a shout out and wish her a happy birthday. I hope you have a great day Babe, love you!

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Friday, June 27, 2008

What the?

See more funny videos at CollegeHumor

Raging Waters

Yesterday was a great day. I took the day off right in the middle of the week, and took the kids to Raging Waters. They absolutely loved it. We had a great time. I really enjoyed spending time with the girls. They are such fun kids. I feel really blessed. I have everything I've ever wanted in life - and I'm real happy. Family is what it's all about. Here's a few pics. I forgot my regular camera, so I had to test out my phone camera. It did ok I guess.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Karate Clogging

This was a real life fight sequence filmed in Lake Powell, 2006. I don't believe anyone was seriously hurt.

Old Videos

So I've finally found the fire wire I needed to connect my video camera to the computer. I was up pretty late last night watching old vids and uploading them. I think I'll be on this kick for a while. So I hope you enjoy them, they'll be coming for a while - and in no particular order.

This first one is down in Orlando when we went to Disney World. We were traveling between sights, and Emily was egging me on with the camera. This was in my chubbier, pre-cycling days.

This one is on the same trip. It's just Christine being cute.

This last one is in Lake Powell, summer of 2006.

"Hi Jenny!"

Many more to come!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Brian Regan

Always good material.

Friday, June 20, 2008

The secret to happiness - I've finally found it.

Please just watch this sobering video, it really puts things in life into perspective. I hope todays message is received with the same heart I put into it. God Bless.

Click Here: True Happiness

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Near Death Experience....(But not really)

Took the young men up the canyon last night to BBQ and goof around. Getting out of the car I nearly stepped on a full size rattle snake. Missed it by about a foot and a half. It started that rattle going which scared the crap out of me. I slowly moved away, and didn't die. The End.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My first boat.

This has been a long time coming. I've been wanting a boat for a very long time. I love waterskiing, and love boating in general. I'm very particular about the kind of boats I like. I'm a nerd for Mastercraft boats, and was long before they ever became what they have today. Once you've skied behind the best, it's hard to want to get behind anything else. This here is a 1995 Mastercraft Prostar 205v. It's a slalom skier's boat. It's small (21 feet), and has a flat bottom which throws a fantastic ski wake. It's got a Chevy 350 in it, which kicks out about 275 horses. It's not a big lake, rough water boat - it's meant for skiing. But it's not a 197 either, which is the ideal ski boat. And it is exactly what I wanted.

I'm not ashamed of my excitement of having acquired this boat, juvenile as it may seem. This is one of my dreams come true. I feel like a little kid again at Christmastime. You couldn't wipe the grin of my face if you tried. The last couple nights I've simply gone out there, unbuttoned the canvas, and sat in it - doing nothing else. I can't wait to get it out on the water (hopefully tomorrow). Anyway...super excited here. I wasn't able to get a full profile shot of the boat because of how its parked.

Best Gift Ever

Emily received some excellent and very practical gifts at a recent shower thrown by our ward (thanks Joey!). The little dude got some great loot. Thanks to everyone for being so great. Anyway, I wanted to show what our neighbors gave us for our boy. The Hunsakers are our next door neighbors, and a couple of my very favorite people. Jannalee hand made this blanket and burp cloth, and then they gave him a shirt, hat and football, all with the perfect theme from the perfect team.

With a pregnancy lasting nine months, you can forget sometimes about what's coming. But you have these reality checks every now and again that remind you. When I saw these gifts, I had a major wake up call. I just sat there and stared at them, picturing my little man in them, and imagining what life with a son will be like. What will he be like? What will he look like? What will his talents be? Will he actually like football? What if he's drawn to ballet? Or baton twirling? Or designing cute little pink outfitsss? I'm sure I'll cope... I just can't wait to meet this guy. Aw man... tearing up again. Anyway, huge thank you to Scott and Jannalee, they got it exactly right.

No baby... =[

Well, my last entry had us at the hospital waiting to have a baby. That's where this picture was taken. Doesn't my gal look so great even when she's about to deliver a baby? I'm one lucky fella. Anyway, the on call doctor (who we never even saw or spoke to) followed protocol for a 35 1/2 week pregnancy, and attempted to stop the labor with medications. It worked. It was strange. I mean, we want what is best for our little guy of course. But we just spent so much of our energy just trying to make it to 34 weeks, that once it came and went, I guess we figured that they'd just let the baby come. We kind of forgot that he still is a month early, and still a preemie by all definitions. I guess we were just used to preemie meaning 27 weeks (Christine). So emotionally, especially for Emily - it was a really tough day. But now we're over it, and anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Little Dude. We're still struggling with a name...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Woman Bus Driver

Dumb Woman Bus Driver - Watch more free videos

Friday, June 13, 2008


Well, we're sitting here in the labor/delivery room. Em started having contractions last night at around 3am, and they've continued consistently now for over 6 hours. They've been coming every 3-4 minutes. So that means it's time to go to the hospital. So, here we are. We're waiting to determine whether or not she's going to progress and have the baby today or not. I imagine that they will try to slow down her labor given that she's at only 35 1/2 weeks. Who knows. Em seems to be doing ok, she's just anxious to find out what's going to happen. Our doctor is on vacation in Italy, so we have no idea who would be delivering. Anyway, we'll update when we know more about what's going on.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hillbilly Darth

See more funny videos at CollegeHumor

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The U of U....where mediocrity happens.


For those who may not know, I love BYU football. It is probably my biggest passion. I'm a total geek to anything related to BYU football.

A few years ago, I decided it would be a fantastic idea to go and decorate my neighbor/friend's yard with BYU business the night before the rivalry game. He happens to be my exact antithesis. In other words he's about the biggest Yewt fan I know. I was kind of hoping to start an annual gig where we try to prank each other for the game. So anyway, I spent all this time and effort painting a white king size sheet into a BYU flag. I spent hours on it. It turned out amazing. It looked almost professional I might say. So we ended up decorating his yard with all this Cougar stuff. No harm was done. We hung some flags, and painted a bunch of stuff on the windows of his car. It turned out pretty good. But not really...

It turned out that he wasn't even in town. For his anniversary, he had left and gone to stay up at Park City. He had gone to the game from Park City, and then went back after instead of coming home. Well this was the 2006 game, the "Harline is still open" game. You know...the one where Beck single handedly ripped the Utes collective hearts out with one incredible pass with :03 remaining on the clock. You remember? Here...I'll throw in a little reminder just for fun...

ANYWAY... back to the story - So my friend went back to Park City after the game - so he didn't see our neat little decoration job until the next morning. At which point it no longer represented a good natured, just-for-fun, sportsman-like ribbing. It had now morphed into a classless, in-your-face, pour-salt-into-your-wounds gloating. He was supposed to see it BEFORE the game, not after. So it didn't really go over that well. I have no doubt that my friend knew it was me - that part was going to be obvious all along. I remember watching him from my bedroom window as he RIPPED that flag out of that tree with such fury - I thought he would tear my own heart out if he ever got a hold of me. In fact, to this day we have never spoken of it, never joked about it, never even hinted of it ever occurring. Bad form Spence...Bad form.

But given the bad form, and how my little prank went seriously south, I still can't help but smile when I think about it. In fact - I think he's due for another disastrous metaphorical BYU flogging...

So this last Friday (and this is related to the above story) in our ward we had an auction to raise money for the Young Womens program. I had offered my services of mowing, edging, and trimming someone's yard to be auctioned off. When it came to my auction item, the bidding started out at $15 bucks. Immediately my Yewt friend's hand went up and he shouted, "$35.00! But only if he does it in a Yewtah jersey!" So I argued stubbornly against it, but the crowd had gotten into it and were now egging me on... and that image of him tearing that flag out of that tree flashed across my I caved and agreed. But only for the Young Women.

So - some time in the next couple weeks I've got to swallow my pride and head over to my buddy's house and mow, edge, and trim his yard in a Yewt jersey. I suppose what goes around comes around right?

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Cycling Mileage Log

Last week: 89 Miles total. Rode a 26 mile hilly route on Saturday - was an excellent ride that went by fast. Got a flat towards the end and was able to test out my new C02 pump. It worked great! My new riding partner Rob is going to train with me to do the ULCER in August. He's a great rider. I'm pretty excited.