Friday, August 29, 2008

In My Opinion...

I got to thinking about being opinionated. I think that everyone has opinions about all sorts of things, but only few are opinionated. I don't think I'm that opinionated. I'm rather passive and non-confrontational when it comes to expressing what I really think during conversation. So this got me thinking about what my opinions really are. So I thought I'd name a few. Perhaps a few of you will like me less - but then what is the point of liking me at all if you don't know me in the first place? So here's a top ten (though they are really in random order):

1. Everyone needs God in their lives, and needs to be spiritually fed. Souls are made up of both physical and spiritual bodies - both will die if they don't have constant nourishment.

2. There is no excuse for drunk driving. I can't think of anything that gets me more furious. There should be a zero-tolerance law with respect to people who drive drunk. Licenses should be permanently revoked, and they should be thrown in jail.

3. Relating to #1; both democrats and republicans have serious problems so long as they continue to allow God to removed from this country. A Godless nation is one that is doomed for self destruction.

4. Having money doesn't translate into happiness, but it can bring some...=] I bought a boat this year. Owning a boat has been a dream of mine for a very long time. Having it out with my family last week at Lake Powell, watching my girls ski, teaching Emily to drive, and skiing with my brothers definitely provided some of the happiest feelings I've ever had.

5. College Football is the greatest sport in the world.

6. God doesn't care about football, he cares about his children.

7. Politicians need to quit the power game and let the voice of the people dictate what they do. We should be tapping our own resources for energy - this is the promised land for heaven's sake! We have enough resources to be totally self-sufficient and yet we have people who can't put food on their table because we're trying to protect a bunch of arctic birds and bunnies. Does that really make any sense?

8. True happiness really is found in family, and in serving God.

9. Joseph Smith saw what he said he saw, and did what he said he did.

10. I'm not a conspiracy theorist - though I do believe that colossal conspiracies do exist - such as the one between the FDA and pharmaceutical companies. All these years in technical and medical advances - yet the last disease to be cured was polio? Modern drugs aren't designed to cure, nor will the FDA allow it. There's just too much money at stake to cure disease.

BONUS OPINION: Emily is the best.


Brandi said...

Amen to #9 and Love the bonus at the end. Opinions are funny things... I'm much like you in how passive I am in expressing my opinion, but I'm always surprised by how passionately opinionated I can be about things I care about. Speaking of opinions, have you had a chance to form one about a certain book you were going to read?

Ayrion said...

I still like you....haha! I couldn't have said it better. Thanks for your opinion...