Friday, July 4, 2008


Rob and I rode 56 miles this morning to celebrate the 4th of July. It was hard. Harder than I thought it would be. I've done tons of 20s, 30s, and a few 40s. But this was hard. The last 5 miles my legs felt like they were full of lead. Here is the route we took:

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We started and ended at 9th East and Fort Union approximately. You can see the rest on the map. We call this route Le Tour de Salt Lake. More like the Tour of Kick my Butt. I really discovered a lot about my body on this ride.

1st, I'm not quite ready for the century. This was only half of what I will have to do in a month. I do find a bit of peace of mind knowing that we had several tough climbs on this route, and the century is dead flat. Hopefully that will make a difference.

2nd, I need to be popping ibuprofen or something during the ride cause my back, neck and knees really started aching.

If there are any experienced riders out there who want to offer any advice for a first time century rider/trainee, I'm all ears.


Anonymous said...

Babe I'm so proud of you and all of your training! You're doing great. Keep up the hard work, it will really pay off when you do the big ride. I love you.